Our morning hikes started at Kelp Bay. It is a beautiful forest with a game trail leading to a small lake and bog. The second round of casual hikers were treated to a great view of a sow brown bear and her two cubs foraging along the shores of the salmon stream.

The afternoon found us ashore at Five Finger Lighthouse, which was built in 1901 (at a cost of $22,500) to warn mariners of the five out cropping of rocks that surround the rocks that it is built on. The lighthouse suffered a devastating fire in 1934 and was rebuilt in 1935 with an art deco design. It was a bit of an effort to climb the ramp to the lighthouse, but the effort was well worth it.

The rain and sun chased each other throughout the afternoon, creating rainbows for us. Humpback whales were in the distance, while a sea otter ate its fish where all could see.