Isabela and Fernandina Islands

Last night was probably one of the easy and beautiful nights that all sailors enjoy; to have a full moon so clear and bright you could even see the islands far away. Full moon nights, like in the desert, when everything looks so calm and just a little breeze makes a little whisper, a cooling of the weather. Lights appear in the desert and suddenly a lot species appear, prey and predator, every one trying to survive. At dawn some fish jump out of the water, like giving a welcome to the new day, and thousands of sea birds like vultures waiting for the slightest chance to catch their prey start to fly all around Roca Redonda. Some bottlenose dolphins, and some Cuvier’s beaked whales; some mola molas and dozens of marine turtles gave a spectacular show to the Polaris guests this morning.

After lunch we traveled to Fernandina, one of the most incredible islands in the Galápagos. The youngest island and full of lava, it is really difficult to believe that any animal, as strong as it may be, can survive in this environment such as the Galápagos snakes.