Santa Cruz & Seymour Island

Early in the morning we dropped anchor in Academy bay, at Santa Cruz Island. Not too long after that, we found ourselves heading to one of the most remote locations in Santa Cruz known as the highlands. In this location we could admire the majestic giant tortoises of the Galápagos. It was not only the giant tortoises, but the entire walk which made this outing special.

Part of the morning was also dedicated to shopping. Yes, let’s admit it…when we travel we all like to shop! We always want to have a souvenir that will be representative of the area that we just visited. It could be for friends, family or even for us, and there is nothing wrong with that! The town of Pto Ayora seems like a great place for that matter. As we walked along the main street, a large number of stores appeared, so we all had our chance to pick up the right souvenir.

The afternoon’s outing was in Seymour Island. This is a place out of a dream! So many birds such as blue-footed boobies and frigate bids were found cruising up in the sky.

The most amazing thing about the Galápagos is probably the animals’ lack of fear. It is nice to see how the animals would trust humans (for a change…) such as the dragon-like land iguanas like the one of the picture, which stooped for a while in the middle of the trail to take a better look of us. My only question in that special moment was “who is watching who?”