Bartolomé Island

Our last full day in Galápagos began with an early morning landing on Bartolomé Island in the central part of the archipelago. Hoping to catch the warm light just after dawn, we climbed to the summit of the island for a panoramic view. Although only 359 feet above sea level, the volcanic landscape stretched out before us, punctuated by the famous Pinnacle Rock. Camera shutters clicked in unison as the light danced on the land.

Following a hearty breakfast, Galápagos penguins watched as we landed on a prefect sandy beach for hiking, swimming, and snorkeling. While many of us took to the clear, warm water, photographers in the group crossed to the far side of the island where we searched for special photo opportunities. Our efforts were rewarded when marine iguanas climbed out onto the rocks and began eating algae exposed by the low tide (today’s photo).

The afternoon found us at Puerto Egas on the western end of nearby Santiago Island. Here snorkelers again plied the waters and had numerous friendly encounters with marine turtles. Later, a late afternoon walk along the rocky coast was highlighted by close looks at Galápagos fur seals.

Back on board this evening we celebrated this fabulous week of fun, photography, and the magic of the Galápagos with a festive cocktail party recounting the many special moments. With all the shared life experiences never to be forgotten we vowed to meet again for a Photo Expedition in another part of the world.