Today was filled with ice. We sailed through brash ice with lumps of multiyear ice, creating light blue shapes atop the slushy bergs. Tabular bergs floated in the deep waters offshore.

Eduardo Shaw spoke eloquently about the 1714 contest to measure longitude. We marveled at the artistic craftsmanship of the Harrison H5 chronometer.

Later in the morning, Deb Goodwin presented on the science that informs us about ice, temperature, and climate. She brought to life our hard-won understanding of Antarctica.

The tabular bergs continued to pass outside the windows. Mile after mile, the procession of bergs continued. Huge masses of ice that are too small for parties interested in tracking filled the water.

We approached Cape Burks and saw the abandoned Russian station perched on top of a snow-covered hill. We headed out into Zodiacs. Grease ice formed between the sea ice that flowed around the towering, white castles of ice. Emperor penguins bobbed in the water. A single emperor watched us with fascination from one berg. Conversations stopped, cameras snapped, and there we were: exchanging glances with the largest penguin on the planet in the wildest place on Earth.

After dinner, we sat by windows in the lounge and watched the wild, white world go by. We are filled with the joy of new experiences, the warm comfort of the ship, and the magic of being in the wilderness.