We woke up on our second day spent crossing the Drake back to Ushuaia to improved weather. We headed to the restaurant to enjoy a hearty breakfast.

At 9:30, we were invited to the lounge to enjoy the first presentation of the day, given by National Geographic photo expert Jay Dickman. The presentation gave us insight into Jay’s life and career as a photographer and included advice for improving our photos. The lecture was fascinating, and there were so many questions. In no time, the next presentation began. It was given by guest Jessica Nabongo and was called, “From Everywhere to Here.” It was fascinating to hear her story about visiting every country in the world and the fruition of her book.

Then it was time for a quick lunch before our last presentation of the day. Naturalist Ezra Siegel spoke on, “The Race to the South Pole,” which was very exciting.

Finally, it was time for our last event. We were invited to the lounge for Captain’s Farewell Cocktails. By this time, we had entered the Beagle Channel, and stunning views of forests were passing by the windows. We raised a toast to the captain, crew, and staff before viewing the slideshow, which included so many great memories.