After beginning the day with dense fog, there was a reprieve in the morning, and we were granted several miles of visibility, allowing us to see some of the birds that call this part of the Southern Ocean their home. This included a mix of prions, petrels, and even the odd penguin. It was clear to us again that these sea days are not just transit time, but passages through some of the most wildlife-rich parts of the world’s oceans.
Though there was much to enjoy in the waters surrounding the ship, there was also plenty of activity on board. We had a series of presentations on topics as diverse as whaling, the management of South Georgia, and photography. Along with our daily meals, we were given an extra treat in the afternoon as the galley team served up an incredible selection of ship-made cakes and snacks to enjoy as we observed the passing wildlife. All of this served to prime us for our final approach to our first destination - the fabled island of South Georgia.