Yakushima, Japan
Coastal Japan: Imperial Dynasties and Modern Culture , August 30, 2023

We set off, twisting and turning our way up into the clouds at Yakusugi. Here a boardwalk helped us to penetrate this mind-blowing forest. Giant ancient sugi (Cryptomeria) or “Japanese cedar” trees surrounded us. We visited a few of the biggest, oldest trees, with one dated at approximately 1,800 years (yes, one thousand eight hundred years old!). —Mike Greenfelder, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Iona, Scotland
Scotland's Highlands and Islands, August 31, 2023

The abbey on Iona, seen as we approach by the short ferry ride from Mull. —Andrew Peacock, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Amazon Natural Park, Peru
Upper Amazon Aboard the Delfin II, September 7, 2023

Amazon kingfisher female with a fish in its bill. —Anahi Concari, Naturalist
North Seymour Island, Galápagos
Galápagos Aboard National Geographic Endeavour II, September 10, 2023

A newborn sea lion with its mother. —Ramiro Adrian, Naturalist
Misty Fjords, Alaska
A Remarkable Journey to Alaska, British Columbia & Haida Gwaii, September 10, 2023

Morning sunrise comes later and later as we approach fall. —Shannon Malone, Naturalist
Lofoten Islands, Norway
East Greenland: Wild Shores of the High Arctic, September 11, 2023

Cod is king in Norway, and the Lofoten Islands were the center of the cod fishing industry for hundreds of years. These are fish drying racks. Cod are caught in the winter and spring and then hung on these racks to allow the flesh to dry out with the persistent winds in these islands. This dried cod is both a diet staple as well as a profitable export for Norway. —Kim Nesbitt, Undersea Specialist
Haida Gwaii–Daajing Giids, British Columbia, Canada
A Remarkable Journey to Alaska, British Columbia & Haida Gwaii, September 11, 2023

Stunning sunrise and a bonus rainbow as we woke up in Haida Gwaii on this beautiful day! —Kimberly Wood, Naturalist
Santiago Island, Galápagos
Galápagos Aboard National Geographic Endeavour II, September 11, 2023

We found this brown pelican preening its feathers on Espumilla Beach. These birds look very elegant, and with that beautiful rainbow in the background it was certainly a great opportunity to exercise our photography skills. —Javier Carrion, Naturalist
Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada
The Canadian Maritimes and Newfoundland, September 12, 2023

Pitcher plants and other carnivorous plants in Gros Morne National Park produce large stalks of flowers to avoid their pollinators and to trap other insects. —Adrian Cerda, Naturalist
Melfjord, Norway
East Greenland: Wild Shores of the High Arctic, September 12, 2023

The hikers arrived at the pick up spot in Melfjord. —Carl Erik Kilander, Naturalist
Inian Islands, Alaska
Treasures of the Inside Passage: Alaska and British Columbia, September 13, 2023

Dive Zodiac atop bull kelp at George Island. —Patrick Webster, Undersea Specialist
Kagoshima, Japan
Coastal Japan: Imperial Dynasties and Modern Culture , September 13, 2023

Clouds mix with smoke at the summit of Sakurajima as National Geographic Resolution sails into the harbour. —Stephen Fisher, Historian