Klewnuggit Inlet, British Columbia
A Remarkable Journey to Alaska, British Columbia & Haida Gwaii, May 9, 2022

A huge sunflower star engulfs the rocky substrate under the water in Klewnuggit Inlet here in British Columbia. I was incredibly excited to see this critter since sunflower stars are critically endangered over their entire range. These sea stars have not recovered in population after their own pandemic: Sea Star Wasting Disease. This makes it particularly special to see this healthy critter today! —Kim Nesbitt, Naturalist/Expedition Diver
Fakarava, Tuamotus, French Polynesia
Azure Seas from Tahiti to the Marquesas, May 9, 2022

A man weaves a hat from the leaves of a coconut tree in honor of the Festival of the Madonna. The coconut is a pivotal part of the culture in places like Fakarava. —Alex Krowiak, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Skidegate, Haida Gwaii, Canada
A Remarkable Journey to Alaska, British Columbia & Haida Gwaii, May 10, 2022

Taking her own chance to capture the moment, Anna, certified photo instructor and naturalist, began her outing on shore, determined to get a photo of an eagle feeding as the tide was out. She crept closer, slow and calm, moving with grace and ease. Suddenly…THWACK…a door slammed and a dog jumped out of the truck, which immediately scared away the eagle. Anna went out with an idea of what she wanted her photo to look like, but instead of focusing on what did not work out, she took advantage of the moment to see what was right in front of her. Anna got a fantastic eagle photo. What a good lesson in life, that when we hold onto the past, we miss the future. Let us all learn to be here now. —Tessa Taft, Wellness Specialist (photo by Anna Mazurek)
Bear Island, Svalbard, Norway
Norway's Fjords and Arctic Svalbard, May 11, 2022

Three black-legged kittiwakes fighting for nesting space on the bird cliff. —Michael Nolan, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Tracy Arm-Fords Terror Wilderness Area, Alaska
A Remarkable Journey to Alaska, British Columbia & Haida Gwaii, May 11, 2022

The light was gorgeous as we made our way ashore for a lovely wander in the forest along a brown bear trail. —Sharon Grainger, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Hatiheu, Nuku Hiva, Marquesas
French Polynesia:Beyond the Postcard, May 12, 2022

Once we approached the island, the impressive landscape of Nuku Hiva overwhelmed every single person onboard: steep cliffs rose out of the ocean, and spectacular rock formations towered over the tiny village of Hatiheu. —Heidy Baumgartner-Lesage, Cultural Specialist (photo by Alex Krowiak)
Trollfjord, Norway
Norway's Fjords and Arctic Svalbard, May 14, 2022

Local soccer teams–representing great black-backed gulls and common gulls–are getting ready for a match. —Serguei Ponomarenko, Naturalist
Amazonas Community, Peru
Upper Amazon Aboard the Delfin II, May 14, 2022

Artisans at the Amazonas Community showed us the bright natural dyes they use to color palm fibers for basket weaving. Local women leaders told us about the work of Minga Peru, a local organization that we support. Minga Peru’s projects include reforestation, women in leadership, and education against violence and sexual abuse. We also learned about the admirable efforts of the village women to continue with their children’s education during the pandemic. —Lynn Fowler, Expedition Leader (photo by Linda M. Burback)
Floreana Island, Galápagos
Wild Galápagos Escape, May 15, 2022

A flamingo feeding in a brackish lagoon on Punta Cormorant. —Ixora Berdonces, Naturalist
Hapatoni, Tahuata, French Polynesia
Azure Seas from Tahiti to the Marquesas, May 15, 2022

In the afternoon, guests were entertained in the lovely little village of Hapatoni, still on the island of Tahuata. As our Zodiacs entered the mouth of the harbour, a full-body tattooed warrior greeted us. He chanted his welcome and sounded his wooden trumpet, much to the amazement of guests. —Tua Pittman, Cultural Specialist
Clavero Lake, Peru
Upper Amazon Aboard the Delfin II, May 16, 2022

Johnny Balarezo, our insomniac hotel manager, shot this image of last night’s blood moon. It was a rare and brief glimpse on a very cloudy evening. —Linda Burback, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor (photo by Johnny Balarezo)
Floreana Island, Galápagos
Galápagos Aboard National Geographic Endeavour II, May 16, 2022

After enjoying a lunar eclipse last night, we enjoyed an amazing sunset today. —Walter Perez, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Inian Islands, Alaska
Exploring Alaska's Coastal Wilderness, May 16, 2022

Once on the brink of extinction, abundant sea otters in the Inian Islands watch as guests pass by on National Geographic Sea Lion. —Jad Davenport, Naturalist (Photo by Sharon Grainger)
Bjørnsund, Norway
Norway's Fjords and Arctic Svalbard, May 17, 2022

The beautiful town of Bjørnsund on a rare “blue sky, no wind” day! —Michael Nolan, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor
Tracy Arm-Fords Terror Wilderness Area, Alaska
Exploring Alaska's Coastal Wilderness, May 17, 2022

Dawes Glacier makes a great backdrop as guests cruise through the ice floes on a Zodiac. —Nathan Kelley, Naturalist/Certified Photo Instructor