We woke up early in the morning to witness a spectacular navigation by our bridge team as they took us through the narrow Lemaire Channel, one of the most stunning and iconic passages in Antarctica. This morning Lemaire was full of big icebergs, but that did not stop the National Geographic Resolution’s captain and his bridge team to safely navigate us through.

The channel took us to Argentine Islands where we were able to land and visit Wordie House at Winter Island, a research station established in 1947, situated close to the Ukrainian station Vernadsky. We Zodiac cruised through the narrow channels around the little archipelago, seeing lots of crabeater seals and were also lucky enough to spot a leopard seal chilling on the ice.

We cruised by more magnificent ice as we headed towards our next destination. The afternoon was spent at Petermann Island, an island full of Antarctic exploration history, cormorants, and penguins