Early in the morning on the 4th, National Geographic Explorer left the harbor in Miðvágar for Tórshavn. Shortly after the ship docked, the morning’s activities were underway, including a tour to the National Museum and a visit to Kirkjubøur. Kirkjubøur is an old farm along with the ruins of a cathedral and one of the oldest wooden farmhouses in Europe.

After a delicious lunch, a few options were offered for afternoon activities and a little opportunity to stretch the legs. One of the options was a hike at Streymoy Sill, where hikers got to look out over the fjord. It was a beautiful hike even though there was a bit of a fog. For a country with an average of 300 rainy days a year and a wind speed that can reach 170 miles per hour, a little fog feels like a blessing, especially since the fog cleared up for the overlook. The second option was a guided walk in Tórshavn, where guests could take a nice walk with a local guide and try out the local beer.

After a full day of activities, the first recap of the journey took place! However, the day was not done. After dinner, a fantastic, all-female vocal group took the stage in the lounge. They captured the mystery and magic of the Faroe Islands and delivered it perfectly.