We had an incredible day exploring Southeast Alaska, starting with Peril Strait. As we cruised along the narrow passage, we saw a plethora of bald eagles hunting for fish. We watched at least seven eagles soaring and diving for food as we sailed through Chatham Strait. Guests were excited to see a coastal brown bear foraging on the shoreline. We brought out the scope and headed out to the bow to enjoy watching this bear look for food. After lunch, we went ashore. Some guests took an exploratory hike, some combed the beach, and some enjoyed a Zodiac cruise, where they were treated to views of a gray whale. As if things couldn’t get any better, we were interrupted by a huge group of humpback whales bubble-net feeding as we ate dinner. We were treated to a show of tremendous power and strength. While watching the bubble-net feeding, two more coastal brown bears appeared on the shoreline. Guests had the option of watching whales feed to the right of the boat or brown bears foraging to the left, which turned out to be a very hard decision.