A relaxing day on board with calm seas and partly cloudy skies. Huge flocks of dovekies (aka little auks) joined National Geographic Endurance’s southern migration, circling the ship and daring photographers to get a decent picture of these fast, low flying birds. Occasionally, a northern fulmar tested the air close to the ship, hoping to find some drafts off the hull for a free ride, but the lack of wind meant there were no eddies or currents to be exploited.

Several presentations were scheduled throughout the day, and a highlight was surely a detailed description of how the ship was built and the many unique features that make it perfectly suited for the challenges of polar exploration. In between lectures, there was time to edit photos, relax in the library, or take a well-deserved nap./p>

After dinner, the Ice Lounge was packed as everyone attended the world-famous National Geographic Endurance Crew Show! We danced into the wee hours…