Overnight, National Geographic Endurance navigated the fjords up to the dynamic entrance to Smøla Island. With dangerous reefs and “scaries,” along with a little swell and chop, the navigation was dramatic, to say the least.

Our objectives today were to explore the old fishing villages and the surrounding 5000+ islets, looking for wildlife and learning about rural Norwegian fishing culture.

We split off into three main adventures. Some guests headed to Veiholmen, the old fishing village on Smøla proper, and others stretched their legs under the windmills. More than half of our guests took a Zodiac to Brattvaeret, an abandoned fishing village. Adventures were had, birds and flowers investigated, waffles and ice cream consumed, and many friendly conversations with locals were enjoyed.

Back on board the ship, the educational program began with a smartphone photography workshop. This was followed by another magnificent tea with fresh scones and other yummies. Satiated, we headed for a presentation of the birds of Norway with Doug.

Suddenly, the day was almost to an end. We enjoyed our first recap and a briefing of our plans for tomorrow’s trip to Vega Island.