Today, on our last day in Costa Rica, we decided to explore another area of the Gulf, so we dropped anchor in front of the property named Dolphin Quest which is managed by two brothers. Here, we were able to explore the buffer zone of Penas Blancas National Park.

Depending on the preferences of our guests, we offered different excursions: power hike, nature-interpretation walk, birdwatching, and photo walk around the gardens. On the power hike, the group saw a troop of white-throated capuchin monkeys and our guests had the opportunity to learn about the behavior of these fascinating animals.

After we finished our exploration on this beautiful property, we headed back to the ship and moved on to Golfito. Here, we offered two Zodiac tours around the rainforest of Golfito and our guests saw a plethora of wildlife. In a different location, for those who wanted more physical activity, we offered kayaking around the mangroves, while other guests wanted to simply enjoy the beach.

Back on board, we all headed to our next destination, Panama!