What an incredible morning to wake up on National Geographic Quest as we sailed into Petersburg. The sun broke through the morning clouds, and it turned into a gorgeous day. We were all happy to explore the quaint town of Petersburg, a bustling fishing town rich in Norwegian and native Tlingit history.

We headed out for various activities — exploring the town and island through Zodiac cruises, hiking through muskegs and old growth forests, and enjoying guided biking tours and local Tlingit-guided cultural tours. With so many fun ways to explore Petersburg, we were all able to get a wonderful picture of life here in a small town in Southeast Alaska.

After a beautiful day in town, we set sail south toward our next day’s location. Gathering on the sun deck to take advantage of the unseasonably warm weather, we enjoyed cocktails, yummy treats, and recap. Just when we thought the day was over, we came upon a rare and special sight: bubble-netting humpback whales! We watched these amazing animals cooperatively feed in front of a beautifully painted sunset sky.