While it seems like summer’s coming to an end up here in Southeast Alaska, the weather for our day in Petersburg held out, and we were treated to high overcast skies and only a few drops of rain. We arrived at the dock just after sunrise. After a hearty breakfast, we embarked on our daily adventures, which ranged from exploring the classic Alaskan muskeg ecosystem, biking around town, watching salmon “spawn till they die” (to paraphrase the legendary Alaskan artist Ray Troll), and honing photography skills in the picturesque town.

Once we were all back on board, we dove into dinner “sea otter style” via the Lindblad traditional crab feast, then cruised south down Wrangell Narrows as the light faded. Petersburg never ceases to disappoint, and it was a bittersweet moment leaving the dock, knowing we won’t be back until next summer.