This 29th of August was an exciting morning followed by a relaxing afternoon. Cloudy, drizzling at times; we are getting used to the Alaskan weather and appreciating our raingear. This morning we took Zodiacs into the salmon creek at Pavlov. I counted six bears before loaning my binoculars away — I overheard a guest count seven! We witnessed a mother bear nursing her yearling mid-stream; she then caught a salmon and shared it with the cub. The second group’s guide told me she caught a salmon and took it to the cub, who promptly lost its grip and the wounded fish got away. Mom didn’t notice, as she was back to fishing already. After viewing, my group took a short but lovely walk along the stacks of Wachusett Cove. These rock pillars are tall columns with bonsai-like spruce and hemlock growing off the tops. The caves and arches were fun to walk through. We then ducked into the thick forest to find a huckleberry bush loaded with berries. Sometimes they are too tart, but these were delicious. Late summer is berry season. Our afternoon was spent cruising for wildlife and stopping at Kasnyku Falls. Cocktail hour and interesting recaps await us; a very nice finish to a memorable day.