On our last day ashore before heading off across the Adriatic Sea to Croatia, we pulled into the magical small port of the walled city of Otranto just as we were enjoying breakfast. We headed off to the city of Lecce, often referred to as the “Florence of the South”. We strolled through the quiet streets past small Baroque palaces and explored the Cathedral Square, had gelato in the market square overlooking a partially excavated Roman Amphitheater before returning to Sea Cloud. As it was Sunday, the harbor and beaches of this small holiday town were packed with swimmers and boaters, making it a lively backdrop for our deck lunch aboard.

In the afternoon we walked around the harbor to tour Otranto itself. The 16th century fortifications of this moated city were impressive, as was the amazing medieval tiled floor depicting the Tree of Life in the Norman Cathedral. A lively deck barbecue that included homemade pizzas and entertainment by the crew of Sea Cloud rounded off a very full day.