We moved northward along the western Antarctic Peninsula and arrived at Neko Harbor in Andvord Bay in the morning. We were surrounded by dark mountains draped in snow and ice. The inexorable tug of gravity slowly sheds the ice into the bay, which is filled with icebergs and their wreckage of brash ice. We watched the expected gentoo penguins darting through the water and clambering ashore to their rocky colonies perched above. But the highlights of the day turned out to be the ice and the marine mammals we were able to observe during our Zodiac tours and from the outer decks of National Geographic Resolution.
National Geographic Endurance
Godthul and Grytviken
Today we awoke to another beautiful day in South Georgia. After a delicious breakfast we started the day with a Zodiac cruise around the bay of Godthul. The sun shone and we enjoyed viewing various wildlife and the beautiful Echo Falls from our Zodiacs. We even saw a leopard seal lazily rolling in the kelp surrounding the bay. After a beautiful morning, we returned for a delicious sushi lunch while the ship repositioned. At 12:20 it was time to disembark the long hikers who had bravely chosen to hike across from Maiviken to our final destination, Grytviken. After all the hikers were gone, the ship moved directly to Grytviken where we had our inspection with the South Georgia government officers. We then took our Zodiacs ashore and spent a wonderful afternoon wandering through the old whaling station and museum. It was a thought-provoking afternoon, and all too soon it was time to head back to the ship. We boarded National Geographic Endurance and headed to the lounge for recap and tomorrow’s plans before enjoying another incredible meal prepared by the galley team.