We started our morning with a Zodiac ride to the island of Miyajima, which is officially known as Itsukushima. Located in Hiroshima Bay, the island is famous for its UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Itsukushima Shrine and its iconic “floating” torii gate. The gate is one of the most photographed landmarks in Japan. The island is also known for its free-roaming deer that wander unrestricted. After a guided tour of the shrine, some guests climbed the 100 stairs to visit the Buddhist temple of Daishoin that features over 500 statues of Jizō, the guardian deity of children and travelers. Those who didn’t visit the temple explored the shops.

After lunch, we sailed to Hiroshima, the first city to suffer an atomic bombing. We started with a guided tour of The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, including the preserved Atomic Bomb Dome, which was ground zero for the bomb and now a place for remembrance and reflection. The main attraction of the park is the Peace Memorial Museum, which consists of two buildings and focuses on the events of August 6, 1945 and the after effects. The Hiroshima of today is a bustling modern city that has become a symbol for both peace and resilience.