What a beautiful day in Magdalena Bay! Guests woke up to a worrisome fog-filled horizon that soon lifted right as Zodiac tours began through the stunning and luscious waterways of El Barrio’s mangrove forests. The sun pierced the sky as we drove through these rich, productive, salty waters hosting fish and rays and herons and scrub jays galore. After our naturalist Walter gave a presentation on the richness of Magdalena Bay, guests joined our naturalists on the bow to cruise northbound through the Hull, surrounded by sand dunes and shorebirds.

In the afternoon, guests loaded into pangas and headed toward the Pacific Ocean in search of gray whales that haven’t made their journey north just yet. After a few sightings, and an elusive mother-calf pair, we stumbled upon some coyotes, great herons, and a massive frigatebird colony full of soaring and territorial birds. To top off the day, we were joined aboard by local musicians, Los Coyotes de Magdalena, and dancers from Lopez San Mateo. They treated our lucky guests to an hour of music and dance in the forward lounge before a lovely Mexican buffet dinner. We all went to sleep with happy faces and full bellies!