Today was a day of variety for both guests and staff. We started off in LeConte Bay where we practiced the photography skills that we learned from our certified photo instructor. We took time lapses around icebergs, played with lighting that exposed different levels of blue in the ice, and employed various angles. After spending some time zooming around the ice in Zodiacs, we decided to go ashore where we found huge, grounded icebergs. We climbed on a few, watched water drip off them as they melted, and took pictures of each other next to them for scale.

After playing around with the ice for the morning, we picked up anchor and headed to our next destination: Ideal Cove. There was rain in the forecast, so we bundled up and gathered our rain gear to go adventuring. We set out on three different types of hikes: a casual photo hike with our certified photo instructor, a moderate hike to a large lake with commentary by one of our naturalists, and a long aerobic hike for those who wanted some exercise. The forecast held true, and we got to experience the full force of the temperate rainforest and the true meaning of adventure.