When we retired last night, we thought that we would face rain showers and heavy wind when we awoke. The outlook was grim at best. Our expedition leader had prepared us for a day of potential plan B, plan C, etc. We were filled with hope because Iona and Staffa Islands are major stops on our trip around the British and Irish Islands. Iona is the place where St. Columba made his mark in the world, and it is the home of a beautiful abbey and a historical convent. It is a magical place with history, beauty, and a link to the past. Our afternoon destination was Staffa Island, an island made of columnar basalt and home to one of the most darling creatures on Earth, the Atlantic puffin. As is often the case, the weather was wrong. We thought Iona would be a go, even if it were to be a wet one. It is difficult to make a landing on Staffa even on a good day, so we knew it was a stretch. By the end of the day, though, we were blessed with wonderful weather and even more wonderful experiences.