After a morning at sea, we arrived at our anchorage with a 20-knot wind blowing steady and rain following. Alright, no kayaking this afternoon, but there is a ghost town to explore. Right there, a few wooden builds that have lost all their paint. Right there, just below the hill, the hill with the polar bear at the top. Alright, no hiking this afternoon, but not to be thwarted, we take to the Zodiacs for a closer look!

In 1896 a small hospital was built here by the incredibly industrious medical missionary, Dr. Wilfred Grefell. This was one of several cottage hospitals he established in Labrador for the fishermen, settlers, and native people. Over the years there were less and less people living in or frequenting this area, certainly not enough for a small hospital or even a nurse station. First the doctors were reassigned, then the last nurse left the summer settlement in 1938.