Our adventure today began at Iguana Island, near the Peninsula de Azuero. It’s a great place with an incredible rock formation that tells of the huge volcanic activity that created the Isthmus of Panama. The small island is also an important nesting area for seabirds. The most remarkable bird from this zone is the magnificent frigatebird, which at this time of year are starting their nesting season. Males show their big red pouches to insinuate being the best in order to have a chance to mate with the females. The red pouch combined with movements of their wings and clicking sounds with their bills are part of the courtship display to attract females.

The animal that gives its name to the island is certainly present here, and we saw two species of iguanas from the island. The large green iguana and the spiny-tailed iguana approached our station, getting the attention of our guests. Iguanas are a protected species and are quite abundant on this small island.

After time at the beach enjoying snorkeling and walking tours, we returned to National Geographic Quest and savored a great cocktail hour on the sundeck.