Today, we visited some of the highlights of the Columbia River Gorge at Hood River. Our first stop was one of the most visited sites along the river, Multnomah Falls. With its angel-like veil of water, it is easy to see why so many visitors come to Multnomah to view the waterfall.

Afterwards, we made a quick stop at the Columbia River Fish Hatchery to visit not only the hatchery but one of the famous residents who lives there, Herman the Sturgeon. Herman is almost 90 now and is kind of the official ambassador for the hatchery. He is easily seen lounging in the clear water as we step into the below water viewing area and see not only Herman, but other sturgeons and trout as well.

Following, we had a chance to stretch our legs at the most visible landmark along the river, Beacon Rock. The rock is an ancient volcanic plug that stands alone after floods eroded the land around it. Some intrepid travelers ventured to the top of the rock while others took casual hikes around the park itself.