In the morning we sailed into Hellmofjord, ornamented on both sides by almost vertical polished rock cliffs rising up to 3,300 ft (1000 m). It is a part of the Tysfjord-Fjordsystem, 39 miles (62 km) in length and the deepest fjord in northern Norway, reaching to 2,943 ft (897 m) below sea level. Three activities were offered to guests this morning including a long hike, medium hike, and Zodiac cruising in the fjord.

Both hikes started near the small Saami settlement Hellmobotm, and then went onto old glacial terraces covered by a lovely pine forest all the way to a magnificent waterfall stretching over a half mile to higher elevation. From the end of the fjord it is only 3.7 miles (6 km) to the border of Sweden. On the long hike we covered almost one half of that distance. The medium reached the bottom of a waterfall. This waterfall is a very special type, as water simply slides along the steeply rising polished rock without free fall. The long hike went up along the waterfall to a spectacular viewpoint high in the mountains.

During lunch, the nest of a white-tail eagle was spotted from the bridge and guests combined dining with the observation of two younglings in the nest.

In the afternoon the ship proceeded to tomorrow’s destination of Tromso. Guests had the opportunity to listen to a presentation by our science team and meet our certified photographers to discuss photography skills and tips.

The recap in the evening was followed by an excellent dinner, as always, as we sailed through the fjords. No sunset is anticipated for tonight or anytime in the coming two months.