It was a choppy sea day here on National Geographic Endurance as we made our way south from Svalbard and across the Barents Sea to mainland Norway.

In the morning, we joined National Geographic photographer Sergio Pitamitz for his presentation “Composition and Visual Perception,” which provided great insight into the art of storytelling using still photography.

Just before lunch, we arrived at Bear Island. The southernmost island of the Norwegian archipelago, Bear Island is located at the limits of the Norwegian and Barents Seas. Due to wild weather conditions, we could not get off the ship to explore this remote place, but we were very happy to spend lunch in the lee of the island, which was relatively calm compared to the open ocean around us.

In the afternoon, we were treated to presentations by naturalist Ben Schulman, who chatted to us about the “Seabirds of Svalbard,” and naturalist Carlos Navarro, who provided a fascinating insight into one of the top predators found in the Arctic in his presentation, “Polar Bears.”

As we close the Svalbard chapter of this expedition, we are gearing up to reach mainland Norway, where we will explore some of its magnificent fjordlands.