Today we explored places that National Geographic Sea Bird very rarely goes. First, we anchored and took Zodiacs to shore to explore an old growth temperate rain forest. We introduced our guests to the forest and her wondrous wildlife on a very intimate level. Bear scat and hair: check. Banana slugs: check. Trees older than 300 years: check. While some of our guests explored the forests, others took to the water via kayak and were rewarded with heaps of sea otters enjoying the abundant bull kelp forests.

After lunch we set sail to the Kiku Islands to explore via Zodiacs and WOW! It only took three or four turns of the boat to feel lost in a world of islands that have never been visited by humans. Of course that’s not true, but it sure felt like we disappeared into the Inside Passage and it was nothing short of magical. We ended our day with a pink sunset and humpback whales bubble-feeding. Alaska is magic.