Today marked the beginning of our Antarctic adventure aboard National Geographic Explorer, a day brimming with excitement and discovery. The morning greeted us with dazzling views of the South Shetland Islands, an inspiring first glimpse of this remote wilderness. We began our day with essential safety briefings, ensuring everyone was prepared for the adventures ahead, followed by introductions to our passionate and knowledgeable expedition team whose expertise and enthusiasm promise to enrich every moment of this journey.

In the afternoon, we had our first landing on the enchanting Half Moon Island, a crescent-shaped isle renowned for its rugged beauty and diverse wildlife. Guests were captivated by the bustling chinstrap penguin colony, with their distinctive black chin-strap markings, who were busy tending their nests and socializing. Alongside them, charming gentoo penguins delighted observers with their bright orange beaks and playful demeanor.

Southern elephant seals were spotted along the shores and a sleeping Weddell seal inspired moments of quiet reflection amidst the pristine landscape. Kelp gulls, skuas and snowy sheathbills added to the vibrant scene.

Back on board, the evening culminated in a delightful captain’s welcome, where we celebrated the day’s successes and toasted to the adventures yet to come.