Leaping dolphins, pectoral-slapping humpback whales (sometimes a cow and calf pair in synchrony), an elusive fin whale, numerous minke whale blows, and a plethora of seabirds, including northern gannets, Arctic terns, and an odd foursome of common eiders. All this life at sea on the periphery of Grimsey Island spoke of a rich, productive ocean. We witnessed an aspect of this productivity with our visit to Grimsey and a walk along the cliffs where Atlantic puffins were bringing beak-fulls of fish to pufflings waiting in their burrows. Arctic terns brought fish to their ravenous chicks, and fulmars and kittiwakes sat on cliffside nests, not as apparent in their feeding of chicks at this point in time. With slightly sunburned and windburned complexions, we returned to National Geographic Explorer satisfied in our sightings and time well spent among the puffins and rugged coastline of Grimsey.