Our adventure began with a wet landing on a white coralline beach inside Darwin Bay, named by William Beebe in honor of a great naturalist who re-directed human thought, Charles Darwin. At low tide and over a platform we walked surrounded by birds of all kinds, including Nazca boobies and blue-footed boobies tending their chicks. A guest also managed to spot the local marine iguana species, which are smaller and darker than the ones on the islands in the southern hemisphere islands. By the time we headed back, the rising tide had flooded the walking trail we had just used a few minutes earlier, bringing in puffer fish, sea lions, and many other aquatic creatures.

Back aboard we prepared for our last snorkeling and had close encounters with many fish and playful sea lions. Once anchored inside the Genovesa caldera, we enjoyed a last delicious lunch laid out by our extraordinary culinary staff. Afterward, some guests opted for a kayak outing or a visit to Prince Philip’s Steps, where Nazca boobies, red-footed boobies, and frigatebirds surrounded us. We also happily spotted the well-camouflaged diurnal raptor, the short-eared owl. Then it was time to return to the ship and reminisce about the many experiences of such a wonderful week.