Early today we arrived at the interior of a caldera better known today as Darwin’s Bay. As soon as we dropped anchor, some of our guests went ashore for an early morning walk with our photography experts. After breakfast, we headed again to the shore and had a great walk where we were surrounded by red-footed boobies, great frigatebirds, Nazca boobies, and several other species of small birds.

We had a warm sunny morning so after our hikes we went snorkeling. Right before we arrived, we encountered a small pod of bottlenose dolphins that looked busy feeding. Following this short encounter we continued to the cliffs, where some of our guests saw Galápagos sharks, hammerhead sharks, rays, and different types of fish.

After our water activities we returned aboard for lunch and in the afternoon we went kayaking along the cliffs. There we observed Galápagos fur seals and Galápagos sea lions, and marveled at the intense bird activity. We also went for a relaxed walk, where we continued observing the interactions among birds and the curious way they observed us.