Lake Eva and Cruising Chatham Strait

This morning started off misty, typical for southeast Alaska. After observing a bear and two cubs, our morning escapades began with a stop in Hanus Bay, exploring Lake Eva. The tide was high, going out, which allowed us to explore the lagoon during kayaking. Some saw a curious harbor seal, eagles, but the highlight was a whale cow and her young calf, spotted close by the ship. Jeff, the undersea specialist, had an opportunity to dive nearby, shooting video footage of sea stars, hermit crabs, and jellies… The hikers learned biological, photo, and factual information about the flora and fauna of the temperate rain forests led by our fearless naturalists. They also had a chance to stretch and exercise by venturing the 3 miles to Lake Eva.

After lunch the Alaskan craft and art fare were laid out for purchase at our global market, put together by the hotel staff. Lee Moll gave a lecture on Alaskan environments and, simultaneously, we voyaged Chatham Strait in search of wildlife and beautiful scenery. Many birds, whales, and bears made appearances. Also, we saw a stunning waterfall and some lucky guests experienced relaxing massages. The day was full and satisfying ending with a spectacular dinner and peeps of Gut Bay out the window and on deck. This glorious day truly was an array of filled wishes and enjoyment for all.