Punta Vicente Roca and Punta Espinoza.

It was a beautiful morning, the sun shining brightly, the breeze blowing on our faces, when suddenly we heard the call “dolphins, dolphins” and everybody started looking at these magnificent marine mammals. Immediately, the captain made the necessary adjustments to our course and off we were, ready to encounter these creatures of the sea. There must have been over a hundred of them putting on a fantastic and unforgettable show for us. After that beautiful display, it was time for breakfast and after that, time to start our adventure.

We all went on a Zodiac ride at this beautiful place called Punta Vicente Roca where it seemed that the giant Ecuador Volcano went all the way up into the sky. We had marine turtles, blue-footed boobies, pelicans, sea lions; a myriad of animals everywhere we looked. All of our guests were so excited and could hardly believe what their eyes were seeing; never would they have thought that they could be in paradise! After our Zodiac adventure, we all got ready to jump in the water and go snorkeling with all these creatures. Everybody who went in the water was so happy that they had gone. Time went by so quickly and we had to return to the Islander where a delicious, typical Ecuadorian buffet was waiting for us.

After a brief siesta, we arrived at Punta Espinoza on Fernandina Island. This is one of the most pristine islands in the Galápagos, so we all got ready first for a Zodiac ride and then for a walk. As we started the walk we saw iguanas, sea lions, hermit crabs, lava lizards, flightless cormorants; all walking around, living their lives in our midst as if we did not exist. After the nice walk partly on lava and partly on sand, all of us just sat down at the end of the trail and enjoyed the beautiful sounds and colors of nature, certainly a memory that we will never forget.