Bartolome Island

This morning marks the beginning of our first full day in the amazing Galápagos Islands. The sun is shining outside and the birds are flying all over the place, almost as if they are awaiting us to be photographed. At six-thirty in the morning, all of our explorers were ready to head out and climb the steps that lead to the mighty peak of Bartolome. We enjoyed the breathtaking geology of the island and felt like we were on another planet.

After we got our workout, we all headed back to the ship for the first “Galápagos breakfast.” After that, we all attended our snorkeling briefing and got suited up anxious to head out and take advantage of the water activities offered. As soon as we got to the beach most of the guests took a short walk first, and then the adventure started for us all. Fish swimming all around, penguins feeding and even a white tipped reef shark patrolling the area, this was certainly a unique adventure.

After our fantastic snorkeling outing, we returned to the ship for lunch. Our next destination was the island of Santiago. As we were boarding the Zodiacs, we could even see from the distance a group of happy greeters on the beach, Galápagos sea lions! Our walk provided us with a large number a species to add to our list. Darwin finches, yellow warblers, mocking birds, marine iguanas, fur sea lions, oyster catchers and many other were spotted only yards away from us! It is amazing to see so many animals and it is only our first day! After returning to the ship, we enjoyed a nice sunset…a perfect closure for our first day.