Today we found ourselves anchored in front of Fernandina Island, the youngest of the Galapagos Islands. During this outing, we walked around lava fields covered by Galapagos marine iguanas in some areas. They basked in the sun, trying to raise their body temperatures after feeding in the ocean. Among them, we spotted lots of baby iguanas from the same species. This place always amazes us. There is so much life everywhere we look, and we saw Galapagos hawks, penguins, sea lions, flightless cormorants, and lava and grey blue herons.

After our visit on the island, we got ready and went snorkeling. The conditions were perfect, so we had the opportunity to swim with lots of Pacific green sea turtles, more penguins, and some Galapagos sea lions that were very playful with our guests.

Back on the ship, Mexican food was waiting for us, including special margaritas and delicious dishes.

Several activities took place after lunch, including a photography talk. The Global Explorers had their first chance to visit the bridge, where they learned about the instruments used to navigate the ship around the archipelago.

Part of the afternoon took place on Zodiacs. We cruised along the shore of Punta Vicente Roca, admiring the amazing landscapes and natural wildlife that are characteristics of the beautiful and huge Isabela Island.

Back on the ship, we had a wine tasting party on the observation deck as we crossed the equator. Everyone got to know each other better during a beautiful sunset. It was a perfect way to end this successful day.

Photo caption and photographer: Lava cactus with fruits on the lava field of Punta Espinoza on Fernandina Island. Photo by Paola Luque