Today we started early in the morning as we navigated to the youngest western islands in the Galapagos, Fernandina and Isabela. We found marine mammals and many seabirds as we were mesmerized by the volcanoes all around us.

We had a dry landing to explore a 1.5-mile trail among marine iguanas. Today we saw many, so many that our guests asked us what a group of iguanas are called, and we revealed that it’s called a mess. Lol.

Soon after our hike, we went for an impressive snorkeling outing with marine iguanas and turtles, and today the visibility was outstanding.

Back on board National Geographic Endeavour II, we repositioned to our next visitor site, Isabela Island, for a Zodiac ride along the shore. Today we saw the Galapagos penguin up close and many more seabirds, sea lions, and fur seals.

We continued navigating, this time towards the equator to celebrate our expedition among new friends. We followed this up in the lounge for recap and briefing about tomorrow’s activities, ready for more magic from these enchanted islands.