Today, National Geographic Venture embarked on an exhilarating exploration of Endicott, culminating at the breathtaking Dawes Glacier in Tracy Arm, Alaska. The day commenced with calm, crisp weather, perfect for our adventurous agenda.

Our morning began with a scenic kayak expedition along the serene waters of Endicott. Paddling through the pristine fjord, we marveled at towering granite cliffs and cascading waterfalls; we occasionally spotted harbor seals and bald eagles in their natural habitat. The tranquility of the water, combined with the majestic landscape, made for an unforgettable experience.

After lunch, we transitioned to our Zodiacs for a closer approach to the Dawes Glacier. Navigating through a maze of icebergs, we felt the temperature drop as we neared the towering glacier face. The sight was awe-inspiring – a colossal wall of blue ice, creaking and calving into the sea with thunderous splashes. Being at the glacier’s forefront allowed us to witness its raw power and beauty up close, providing a perfect conclusion to our day’s exploration. As we returned to National Geographic Venture, the collective sense of wonder and achievement was palpable among all on board.