You could feel an icy chill ripple through the air as the guests and crew of National Geographic Sea Bird awoke this morning at the mouth of Endicott Arm. Before journeying up to Dawes Glacier at the head of the fjord we made a pit stop in Seven Mile Cove for morning kayaking operations. After enjoying a morning paddle, the ship continued onward into the narrow fjords of Endicott Arm. As more icebergs and bergy bits appeared, everyone was anxious to reach our destination. About three miles from the glacier face the fleet of Zodiacs were deployed and everyone was off to the races heading for the sapphire blue ice wall. Along the way, the Zodiacs stopped at waterfalls, observed harbor seals and their pups, and even saw a pair of harbor porpoises. Once the fleet finally reached the face, everyone sat in awe of the thunderous glacier. After a fantastic viewing period with Dawes Glacier, we retreated to the ship for a true polar plunge. Six brave guests conquered the icy waters and dove into a balmy 37°F ice bath. A wonderful end to a wonderful trip on National Geographic Sea Bird.