After a wonderful day in Isafjardardjup, we travelled back to the west during the night to visit the spectacular Dynjandi Falls. Our morning was dry with light clouds, perfect for the photographers among us, and we spent it exploring some seven or eight stacked waterfalls known collectively as Dynjandi Falls. While waiting for guests to arrive at the beach, naturalist Tim Martin attempted to capture an image of a dive-bombing arctic tern. Some guests opted for a long hike to the falls. Others travelled by Zodiac to a beach a short distance from the fall’s outlet to the sea, and they climbed a pretty rugged trail toward the top. As expedition leader Mike Jackson put it, everyone was welcome to climb as far as they wished, but no farther! By late morning, we were comfortably back on the ship, cruising to the east once again, and passing a seemingly limitless stack of lava flows. Next stop…Vigur Island.

We arrived at Vigur Island in the late afternoon and embarked by Zodiac for a dock landing and a walking tour of this very interesting small patch of land in the sea. Half of our group initially remained aboard for a lecture on Icelandic geology. The others braved the arctic tern nesting colony, visited a charming windmill, and learned about eider duck down ‘harvesting,’ all while being soothed by the music of two Icelandic musicians who played on shore. Midway through the shore visit, the two groups switched places. All in all, it made for a wonderful and full afternoon. We returned for another sumptuous dinner aboard.