Early this morning, Sea Cloud docked at the port of Durrës, Albania. After disembarking, we boarded a coach and began our journey inland, driving along scenic roads lined with olive trees and rolling hills. Our destination was Krujë, a historic town perched on a hillside.

We soon reached Krujë, where we made our way to the famous Skanderbeg Castle, a fortress that once stood as the stronghold of Albania's national hero, Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg. We explored the grounds, walking through ancient stone pathways that offered stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

Inside the castle, we visited the Skanderbeg Museum, which housed artifacts, weapons, and historical documents related to the hero's resistance against the Ottoman Empire. Our expert guide explained how Skanderbeg’s leadership had inspired Albanian unity and pride during the 15th century. A fascinating story of the bravery and the enduring legacy of Skanderbeg in Albania.

After the tour, we strolled through the bustling bazaar at the base of the castle, admiring traditional handicrafts before heading back to Durrës, reflecting on the rich history we had just witnessed.