We are in the furthest region of the Ucayali River at the heart of the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve. Today we looked for large flocks of cormorants, more monkeys, pink dolphins, and many other species of birds in this vast forest. This part of the reserve is just amazing as there is wildlife in abundance. As we explored the forest along the river, we spotted hundreds of cormorants, large-billed terns, and flocks of macaws!

Today we did our special night outing! Mother nature rewarded us with the best show of the reserve. A little after sunset we spotted a family of capibaras foraging along the riverbank. We also saw many baby caimans coming out of the grass and resting in shallow water. As an added bonus, we spent time watching a family of red howler monkeys gathering in the last hour of sunlight, ready to sleep in the shelter of a big tree.

What a day!