Walking inside a tropical rainforest is an extraordinary experience. Once inside, you feel part of an intricate but wonderful maze of vegetation and sound. Humidity and heat are very high, the latter proving ideal for a myriad of plants. Surrounded by an incredible biodiversity that ranged from tiny creatures to large vertebrates, we went on a walk in an area known as Casual.

We all geared up with rubber boots. With the company of two local native scouts from a nearby community, we explored a “terra firme,” a rainforest trail. We observed several rainforest creatures, including frog and lizard species and tarantulas as well. Near the end of our walk, we spotted a couple of beautiful snake species, a juvenile anaconda and a rainbow boa.

In the early afternoon, we kayaked around Nauta Caño. Conditions were ideal. The sky was a bit overcast, but the water was calm, and many birds flew around us. After kayaking, we went on a skiff ride along the river. We spotted several birds of prey at close range from the skiffs. Almost at sunset, we spotted a monk saki monkey perched in a high branch at the top of a tall tree.

At the exact moment when we returned to ship, we enjoyed a marvelous and fiery sunset. The scenery was spectacular! It was a magical climax of an unforgettable day of exploration in the Peruvian Upper Amazon.