This morning the weather was a bit fresh and cloudy and after breakfast we began our disembarkation towards the beautiful beach of Caletas Reserve in order to start our morning exploration. Three main groups were formed and while some enjoyed a horseback ride, other guests joined the morning walks in the private reserve of Caletas where “Bambam,” the owner, welcomed us upon arrival.

The horseback ride yielded impressive scenarios and some beautiful scarlet macaws that were seen flying along the beach. The walkers had the opportunity to scan in detail the forest floor where many little toads, several species of lizards, as well as long lines of leaf-cutter ants form part of a great universe of inconspicuous creatures. At the end of the trail the white-faced capuchin monkeys made an appearance for our enjoyment.

After the morning activities everybody gathered at Caletas Beach where we had a delicious lunch provided by National Geographic Sea Lion's galley staff.

An hour later everybody got back to the vessel and we sailed towards Corcovado National Park. The park is considered one of the most pristine areas of Costa Rica and a conservation icon in the country, where several important species – some of them endemic – find shelter.

After using our Zodiacs to reach the beach of San Pedrillo, the exploration of the surrounding areas began and we split into several groups. Some of our guests  walked the Pargo trails while others decide to hike all the way to the waterfall. The first group found white-nosed coatis, Central American spider monkeys and mantle howler monkeys, as well as the elusive great curassow. The second group found several species of birds, including tanagers, wood creepers, tiger herons and several others. The hike culminated with a refreshing time in the San Pedrillo River waterhole, completely surrounded by the forest.

Our day ended with all on board enjoying the sun setting on the horizon and looking forward to tomorrow’s adventures.