We began our day on the Bay of Panama. The day before, we spent our Christmas on Coiba Island. Today, we took it a little slower. On our way to the entrance of the Panama Canal, we waited for our pilot.

We had great opportunities to see a lot of wildlife, including many birds from the Suliformes order. Nazca boobies and brown boobies flew next to National Geographic Quest, and many of our guests had great opportunities to photograph the birds and enjoy the moment.

Pantropical spotted dolphin showed up and stayed with us for a long time. We observed them bow-riding, and many of our guests gathered to enjoy the show.

At the entrance of the Panama Canal, we waited outside of Amador Causeway until our pilot arrived. Many of our guests have been eager to see the Panama Canal, so it is a great way to spend the last days of our program. It is a beautiful experience. We crossed under las Americas Bridge around 7:30 pm and began passing through the Miraflores Lock around 7:45 pm. All our guests gathered on the bow to see and understand how the Panama Canal works. It was incredible to see how much water passes through, which helps us understand how much water is needed.

Our galley prepared an amazing Panamanian buffet. We had a great time crossing the canal and enjoyed the entire experience.