Today, we had an incredible day exploring the Galápagos Islands, starting with an early morning excursion to Bartolomé Island. We set out just before breakfast to hike the wooden staircases to the summit of Bartolomé. The effort was well worth it, as we were rewarded with a breathtaking panoramic view of the archipelago. From the top, we saw some islands and many smaller islets scattered across the ocean. However, the highlight of the hike was seeing Pinnacle Pock, a truly iconic sight.

After the hike, we headed down to the beach to snorkel in the calm, crystal-clear waters of Bartolomé. Here, our guests were thrilled to spot whitetip reef sharks, colorful fish darting among the corals, and the famous Galápagos penguins, which were an absolute delight to observe up close.

In the afternoon, our adventure continued to Santa Cruz Island, where we visited Cerro Dragón. Our guests walked along a trail where they encountered numerous land iguanas basking lazily along the path, right in front of or beside their burrows where they rest. These fascinating creatures provided plenty of opportunities for photographs and admiration. Meanwhile, another group had the opportunity to enjoy a Zodiac ride, where we were fortunate enough to observe small sharks, such as whitetip and blacktip reef sharks. The highlight of the afternoon was the sighting of baby hammerhead sharks. This remarkable encounter left our guests in awe, marking a perfect end to a day filled with unforgettable wildlife experiences in the Galápagos Islands.