Today, we arose to face Mother Nature head on, sailing straight into wind and waves. Our spirits remained high as we kept in mind our final destination, Rapa Nui. A seemingly quiet sea day was filled quite nicely with activities aboard National Geographic Orion.

The day started off with stretch class. Nothing can stop our wellness specialist from inspiring flexibility and peace of mind. We then had two attention-capturing presentations from our expedition staff in the morning. One presentation defined UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and the other described how Christianity influenced music in the Pacific.

Presentations were broken up with lunch time, and many guests spent time in the observation lounge, a good place for playing board games, reading, or finishing up 1000-piece puzzles.

In the afternoon, we had a special presentation from hotel manager François: an inside look at the innerworkings of the ship. This was an awesome opportunity for guests to experience ‘ship life.’ This was followed by another installment from our esteemed guest speaker Christina Thompson, author of Sea People and Come on Shore and We Will Kill and Eat You.

Following dinner, we all gathered in the lounge and were treated to a viewing of Rapa Nui. A fitting film for our imminent arrival!