After beginning our expedition exploring the capital city of Cape Town, we embarked National Geographic Explorer to set sail for our first port of call, Luderitz, Namibia. The blazing backdrop of Cape Town, glowing in the rays of a beautiful sunset, with views of southern right whales, set the perfect tone for our 35-day voyage of culture, wildlife and much more!

Our first day, spent at sea, was filled with many activities. We were introduced to the natural history staff, who would be leading us on this great adventure through many interesting places. Presentations were given on the rise and fall of apartheid and African pre-history and Historian David Barnes presented us with a brief overview of Namibia. The galley and hotel staff surprised us by kicking off the captain’s welcome party with fresh and barbequed oysters and white wine on deck and cocktails flowing in the lounge bar.

After a fantastic dinner, we watched a documentary on the revolution in Africa and how music played an important part in the lives of those involved. It gave a glimpse into some of the hardships the citizens of these countries have experienced over the years and how they’ve maintained their positivity and their voice amidst it all.

The next 35 days will be spent visiting many countries full of rich history; some rather violent and not always civil, but countries that are thriving. Not only are they striving to thrive politically and socially, they are also thriving in passionate, friendly, and determined people. The faces we will encounter, the food we will try, the friendships that will be forged and the experiences that we will have, will leave a great mark.